Swedenroots - Sweden

Swedenroots - Genealogy for you


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Frances Walsh

I did not think it was possible...

I did not think it was possible to find any living relatives since it has been so long since my great grandfather emigrated to the US.

Yvonne, from Swedenroots made it happen. She found living relatives and their current address, I was able to write them telling them who I was and give them my contact information.
We were able to meet them and they took us around to all the old homes where our great grandparents lived, we had so much fun learning about their history and seeing where they lived.

I cannot thank Yvonne enough for helping this miracle happen.  Reuniting families is a wonderful job, and if you are looking for long lost relatives, I recommend Yvonne.

Frances Walsh

Frances and cousine

Frances with cousin Ingvar and his wife Anneli, Östansjö, Sweden 2022

Frances and Ingvar
August, Aldor and JohannaAndersson

Frances and cousin Ingvar

August, Aldor and Johanna Andersson